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14 Views · 1 year ago

All proceeds from the channel will go to charity. How can you participate? Just watch the video. By doing this, you have both helped an animal and enjoyed seeing them in the video.
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This Cute Video Will Make Your Day Better! ❤️

Changing lives for pets and people that love them.
Every winter, thousands of vulnerable and innocent animals are abandoned and left out in the cold.
While we can't stop this cruelty from happening, we can and will be there to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome. Whether furry, scaly or feathered - we'll be there. But we can't do it alone. Each and every supporter helps us get another needy animal back on their paws and into a warm and loving home this winter.

**Subscribe To Help**

11 Views · 1 year ago

Great Guns and Director Duncan Christie deliver a heart wrenching and moving campaign film, ‘2050’, to promote and raise funds for the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Now.

The film follows a young girl on a secret mission – the purpose of which isn’t revealed to the viewer until the very end. Over a series of days, we see the tiny trooper determinedly studying complex science textbooks, watching quantum theory videos, and raiding the house for objects to use in her special project. In the final reveal, the girl wakes up her mother, who has breast cancer - and leads her inside a ‘time machine’ that she has made from cardboard and household items. As mother and daughter sit in the makeshift machine together, the girl turns the dial from 2017 to 2050.

32 Views · 1 year ago

An introduction to our Not This Girl appeal to help keep girls safe from sexual abuse. With your support, we can help women challenge abuse and give survivors all the support they need.

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