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Charity - Whiteboard Animation Explainer Video Example Doodly

38 Views· 06/01/23

So want a simple way to make those insanely high-converting "Doodle-style" animation videos? It's easy... just use this software: https://createvidello.com/doodly

It's called Doodly

Doodle video is just like the one you are whatching right now. With this software you’ll be able to create your own professional doodle sketch videos with little, to no design or technical skills.

Create unlimited whiteboard, blackboard, greenboard, and even glassboard doodle videos.

Use Doodly to draw all kinds of REALLY cool things to entertain, engage, and affect your viewers in a positive way. Can be used for sales and/or social media videos, special occasions, or just for the fun of drawing. The only limit is your imagination.

Just select a doodle image. Click and drag it to the canvas, and Doodly will automatically draw the image for you. And that’s it. It couldn’t be any easier.

Download Doodly now: https://createvidello.com/doodly

#DoodleVideo #Doodly #ExplainerVideo

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